Friday, May 15, 2009

The Bee With Wheels artwork for sale on etsy

David Barnes now has his own Etsy shop!

Let's hope that he keeps adding his beautiful works of art on a regular basis.
The little painting below is "Defend Your Creativity From Predictability" and is on sale for 15 bucks. Don't tell me you don't have them. If you don't, steal them from your neighbors. I'm sure they'll understand, and what were they going to spend them on anyway?


The great thing is that every item on sale comes with a little explanatory note of the ideas that made David paint them.

And in case you forgot, Nina also has her Etsy shop. I'm guessing business is going well for her since all the shirts and a lot of the prints are out. Fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. you are genius. I cannot even cope with the amount of beauty and creativity that flows from your work. I am forever in debt to you. You have expressed things that I can relate to but never knew I wanted to. Keep up the brilliance and I will look for your next show!
